
colin bates
A great many people in our world have an inbuilt awareness and sensitivity, often experiencing events, thoughts and feelings that can relate to the energy of the Spirit World. It has been my pleasure for the last twenty years to explore and teach the many pathways of the Spirit. Coming into contact with many people who have a unique ability to touch that world and wish to strengthen and improve their individual understanding of the techniques involved in mediumistic and spiritual development.
This can only be achieved through dedication and hard work. Each person is very much an individual, what I try to achieve in teaching is to look at the individual potential of each person. Creating the best possible conditions for development to take place through the use of Mediumistic and Spiritual practices, designed to stimulate and increase personal awareness. Every course is uniquely structured to suit the needs of the student, from basic awareness to advanced techniques for Public Demonstrations and Private Sittings.
Please explore Colin's music below to aid you in your development.
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